Best jump rope hiit workout for your legs and booty. We’re hitting it from all 3 angles👇🏻
1️⃣Gluteus Maximus
2️⃣Gluteus Medius
3️⃣Gluteus Minimus
It's packed with intense 90 second bursts of #jumpingrope with #plyometric exercises in between. 💦
As always, YOU determine how intense you want it to be. I’ll go over modifications for both to keep you safe and 💪🏻.
Here are the deets👇🏻
🔥30 sec basic jump rope
10 sec rest
🍑30 sec jump lunges
10 sec rest
🔥30 sec criss cross jump rope
1 min REST
🍑30 sec jump squats
10 sec rest
🔥30 sec double side swings jump rope
10 sec rest
🍑30 sec mtn climbers
1 min REST
🔥30 sec side straddle jump rope
10 sec rest
🍑30 sec froggers
10 sec rest
🔥30 sec alternating foot jump rope
1 min REST
🍑30 sec plank leg lifts
10 sec rest
🔥30 sec one leg 15 sec each jump rope
10 sec rest
🍑30 sec jumping jacks
For more intensity add a weighted jump rope. My favorite set is Get Lean from Crossropes. Use my link for a discount: and type the promo code: JUMPROPEMOM10 for 10% off at checkout. Enjoy! It will be the only rope you’ll ever need. :-)
As a former competitive Jump Roper and current Fitness Coach, I combine both of my passions to give you the BEST jump rope workouts and tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to my channel so I can keep you jumping! Check out these other related videos; High intensity jump rope HIIT workout for fat loss and strength Diastasis Recti jump Rope Workout to Burn Fat; Shop my FAVS here; Come jump with me here! Website: Instagram Facebook: Pinterest: #hiitworkout #jumpropeworkouts #jumpropehiit #gluteworkout #buttliftworkouts